Policy and Commentary
2024. Editor of Troubled Waters in Conflict and a Changing Climate: Transboundary Basins Across the Middle East and North Africa. Author of chapter 9 of the volume, “Institutionalizing Hegemony Through Peace Negotiations: Water in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.” Carnegie Middle East Center.
2023. The Collective Punishment of Palestinians in Gaza. Wilson Center, Middle East Program. Viewpoints.
2023. Climate Change and Regional Instability in the Middle East. Council on Foreign Relations.
2023. Northwestern Syria in the Time of Cholera, Earthquakes, and Environmental Degradation. Carnegie Middle East Center.
2023. Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Human Rights, and Oil: The Elephants in the COP28 Room. Wilson Center, Environmental Change and Security Program. New Security Beat Blog.
2022. Leading Abroad, Repressing at Home. Carnegie Middle East Center. Diwan Insights.
2022. Scorched Earth: Climate and Conflict in the Middle East. Foreign Affairs. March-April 2022.
2022. The Syrian Revolution: A Story of Politics, not Climate Change. The Royal United Services Institute. RUSI.
2022. A Year of Climate Science in Review. Report written in collaboration with 65 scientists launched at the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP27, Egypt).
2022. The Syrian Revolution: A Story of Politics, not Climate Change. The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies.
2020. Syria’s Human Security is Inseparable from Its Environmental Health. Policy Working Paper for the Nature and National Security in the Middle East Project, The Century Foundation.
2017. Of Military Coups, Purges and Interventions: Turkey’s Syria Dilemma. CRIAVIEWS. The blog of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs.
2016. The Need for Radical Transformation. Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change, Global Futures Initiatives. Washington DC: Georgetown University.
2016. Syrian Lives Matter. Open Democracy.
2013. Sectarianism in Syria: Myths and Reality. Open Democracy.
2013. Syria’s Perilous Arab Spring. United Nations Association of the United Kingdom (UNA-UK), After the Arab Spring: Reconstruction and State-Building.
2012. The Case Against Foreign Military Intervention in Syria. Al Jazeera online.
2011. Syria: The Regime’s War of Attrition. Al Jazeera online.
2011. Syria: Revolution and Repression. Conservative Middle East Council (CMEC), Houses of Parliament. The Arab Spring, Implications for British Policy, London. October 2011: 20-23.
2011. Syria at A Crossroads. The World Today, Royal Institute of International Affairs. London: Chatham House. 29-31.
Work with International Organizations and Fellowships

2023-2024 Wilson Center Fellow, Environmental Change and Security Program and Middle East Program. Washington. D.C.

2023-Present Member of international Stakeholders Group, Project on Alternative visions to the current rules-based order. Washington. D.C.

2022-2023 Non-Resident Scholar at the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center. Beirut, Lebanon. Directed the Climate Change, Conflict, and Governance Project.

UN-ESCWA (UN Social and Economic Commission for Western Asia). Beirut, Lebanon. Advisor on climate-related reports on the Arab world.

Arab Center Washington DC. Member of Academic Advisory Board, 2017-present.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP). TOKTEN Fellow and Advisor for Israel-Palestine peace and water negotiations. Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People. Jerusalem. March-June 2010.

Co-founder, Oxford Water Network (2011).

Member of Advisory Board (2007-2010), Euphrates-Tigris Initiative for Cooperation (ETIC), Swedish International Water Institute.

UNESCO- WWAP- Coordinator for Scientific Side Publications, 2009 Third World Water Assessment Report, World Water Development Program, Paris and Perugia. 2008-2009.

Swedish International Water Institute (SIWI), World Water Week. Stockholm, Sweden. High-Level Inaugural Panel, 17 August 2009.